Ballast Botanicals and Acupuncture


Your body, exactly as it is now, is worthy of exceptional care.

Herbal Remedies Inspired by ballast Flora

When records were hidden and destroyed, or there were none to begin with, the soil continues to hold those stories.


in ballast

Ballast Botanicals is inspired by ballast flora, the plants that bloom from the seeds that were transported across oceans in the ballast of ships and used to expand the shorelines of New York.

Ballast Botanicals works from the understanding that your body, exactly as it is right now, is worthy of exceptional care. We are committed to providing compassionate, dignified, and effective care for people and families of all gender identities and expressions, sizes, abilities, and racial and ethnic backgrounds. We are trauma informed, bilingual in English and Spanish and rooted in harm reduction, body neutrality and healing justice.